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            一覽提醒您:招聘方向求職者收取任何費用(如體檢費、押金、培訓費、淘寶刷單、刷信譽等)都可能涉嫌詐騙,一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)請?zhí)岣呔璨⒘⒓?/p> 舉報

            您當前所在的位置: 一覽·鋁業(yè)> 廣州市尚歐貿(mào)易..> QA經(jīng)理
            • 學歷要求: 不限
            • 工作經(jīng)驗: 8-15 年
            • 更新時間: 2018-04-12
            • 招聘人數(shù): 1
            • 招聘對象: 社會人才
            • 工作地區(qū): 廣東-廣州市
            • 專業(yè)要求: 機械工程類;
            趙小姐 HR 三個月前活躍
            QA Manager
            Job Description
            Quality assurance (QA) aims to ensure that the product or service an organization provides is fit for purpose to meet both external and internalrequirements, including legal compliance and customer expectations. And establishes and maintains qualityassurance programs, procedures, and controls ensuring that performance and quality of products conform to established company standards.
            Quality manager coordinates the activities required to meet quality standards. Establishes key checkpoints for new products and processes, advises management of test trends, returns, vendor performance, audit results, and corrective action needed.
            Typical Work Activities
            Since maintaining quality demands adaptation to customer expectations, quality managers employ a variety of measures to place quality at the heart of the company. These include management systems such as ISO 9000, philosophies such as Total Quality Management, and methodologies such as Continuous Improvement.
            The work of the quality manager is likely to include some or all of the following activities:
            1.Promoting quality achievement and performanceimprovement;
            2.Setting QA compliance objectives, writing technical and management systems reports and ensuring that targets are achieved;
            3.Manages the quality personnel, including the establishment of goals, schedules, priorities, staffing, training, and budgets;
            4.Working with purchasing staff to establish quality requirements and product specifications for external suppliers;
            5.Ensuring compliance with national and international standards and legislation;
            6.Agreeing standards and establishing clearly defined quality methods for staff to apply;
            7.Defining quality procedures in conjunction with operating staff and ensuring inspections and procedures are properly understood and carried out;
            8.Setting up and maintaining controls and documentation procedures;
            9.Monitor and advise on the performance of the quality management system and produces data and report on performance.
            10.Supervising technical staff in carrying out tests and checks and provides senior technical leadership helping to ensure effective quality control and customer service;
            11.Persuading reluctant staff to change their way of working to incorporate quality methods;
            12.Reviews and disseminates regulatory reference information that may affect the operation of the quality assurance unit or other areas;
            13.Reviews quality assurance unit inspection reports to assess findings, responses, and need for follow-up
            14.Serves as a key contact for inspections and provides input for responses to those inspections;
            15.Performs audits of manufacturers who recommended by the purchasing stuff;
            16.Effectively communicates with company personnel, clients, subcontractors, regulatory inspectors, and third parties;
            17.Works with other employees and managers within engineering function at all levels to ensure that the QA system is functioning properly;
            18.Where appropriate, advises on changes and the implementation and provides employment training on tools and techniques to enable others to achieve quality, motivation, discipline and performance evaluation of assigned employees.
            19.Report to General Manager.
            20.Subsidiaries - Quality Engineers.

            職位類別: 品質(zhì)經(jīng)理/主管(QA/QC經(jīng)理/主管)

            • 相似職位
            • 所在地區(qū):廣東-廣州市
            • 聯(lián)系人:趙小姐
            • 手機:
            • 郵箱:會員登錄后才可查看
            • 郵政編碼:510627
            • 地址:廣州市天河區(qū)黃埔大道西638號廣東農(nóng)信大廈1102室
            loading 上傳中

            粵公網(wǎng)安備 44030502004569號